Eighteen years after their hit series ended, Tony Randall and Jack Klugman reunited for this funny and poignant made-for-TV movie. Felix Unger (Randall) and Oscar Madison (Klugman) are roommates again, but only while Felix's wife plans their daughter's nuptials. As he helps Oscar with his recovery from a bout of throat cancer, Felix discovers a shocking secret about the groom-to-be. Will the wedding go off without a hitch? Barbara Barrie and Penny Marshall co-star. 90 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English. Region Free
Eighteen years after their hit series ended, Tony Randall and Jack Klugman reunited for this funny and poignant made-for-TV movie. Felix Unger (Randall) and Oscar Madison (Klugman) are roommates again, but only while Felix's wife plans their daughter's nuptials. As he helps Oscar with his recovery from a bout of throat cancer, Felix discovers a shocking secret about the groom-to-be. Will the wedding go off without a hitch? Barbara Barrie and Penny Marshall co-star. 90 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English. Region Free
Eighteen years after their hit series ended, Tony Randall and Jack Klugman reunited for this funny and poignant made-for-TV movie. Felix Unger (Randall) and Oscar Madison (Klugman) are roommates again, but only while Felix's wife plans their daughter's nuptials. As he helps Oscar with his recovery from a bout of throat cancer, Felix discovers a shocking secret about the groom-to-be. Will the wedding go off without a hitch? Barbara Barrie and Penny Marshall co-star. 90 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English. Region Free