Enter Now Brightness feels different for Nadia. It is analbum, she says, of departure and questioning, that hasreminded her how songwriting can be "the most usefulthing to do with pain and joy and thoughts and feelings andanger." That through music we can find great change. "I'mso much better off now that it exists,"she says. "Now feelslike a new time." On this record, Reid moves ever furtherfrom her earlier folk inclinations, establishing a sound thatis distinctly her own.Enter Now Brightness is a record of poise and greatbeauty, the sound of a cellular shift, of pain giving way totenderness and joy. It takes it's title from a passage in abook Reid was reading from a line that seemed to call outto her from the page: 'Brightness entered the study.' "Itwas the image of opening the curtain, or turning the lighton, or of standing in the wings of a theatre and waiting togo on stage. It's the idea of life beginning now.""[Nadia] embraces a full bodied sound halfway betweenHaim's sophisticated pop sparkle and Sharon Van Etten'sfull-throated songcraft" - The Guardian