In this uproarious comedy, Richard Pryor stars as Eddie Lenahan, a con man who is framed for smuggling jewels. Hoping to get an insanity plea, he is sent to a hospital for evaluation. But when Eddie is confused for a doctor while a storm hits the facility, he decides to keep the ruse going-resulting in plenty of huge laughs. With Rachel Ticotin, Ruben Blades, Garrett Morris, Joe Mantegna, and Bob Saget. 97 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English.
In this uproarious comedy, Richard Pryor stars as Eddie Lenahan, a con man who is framed for smuggling jewels. Hoping to get an insanity plea, he is sent to a hospital for evaluation. But when Eddie is confused for a doctor while a storm hits the facility, he decides to keep the ruse going-resulting in plenty of huge laughs. With Rachel Ticotin, Ruben Blades, Garrett Morris, Joe Mantegna, and Bob Saget. 97 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English.
In this uproarious comedy, Richard Pryor stars as Eddie Lenahan, a con man who is framed for smuggling jewels. Hoping to get an insanity plea, he is sent to a hospital for evaluation. But when Eddie is confused for a doctor while a storm hits the facility, he decides to keep the ruse going-resulting in plenty of huge laughs. With Rachel Ticotin, Ruben Blades, Garrett Morris, Joe Mantegna, and Bob Saget. 97 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English.