David Arquette, Brad Hunt, Cathy Moriarty and Kathryn Erbe star in this irreverently romantic road trip written and directed by Finn Taylor. Hoping to fulfill his unusual fantasies in grand style, fast-talking Nick (Brad Hunt) makes a pact with his eccentric neighbor Terry (David Arquette): If Terry will bankroll the adventure, Nick will help Terry realize his own particularly bizarre fantasies. The unlikely duo embark upon a wild spree ending in a hometown reconciliation for Nick, a profound revelation for Terry, and a heart-stopping surprise for all who follow.
David Arquette, Brad Hunt, Cathy Moriarty and Kathryn Erbe star in this irreverently romantic road trip written and directed by Finn Taylor. Hoping to fulfill his unusual fantasies in grand style, fast-talking Nick (Brad Hunt) makes a pact with his eccentric neighbor Terry (David Arquette): If Terry will bankroll the adventure, Nick will help Terry realize his own particularly bizarre fantasies. The unlikely duo embark upon a wild spree ending in a hometown reconciliation for Nick, a profound revelation for Terry, and a heart-stopping surprise for all who follow.
David Arquette, Brad Hunt, Cathy Moriarty and Kathryn Erbe star in this irreverently romantic road trip written and directed by Finn Taylor. Hoping to fulfill his unusual fantasies in grand style, fast-talking Nick (Brad Hunt) makes a pact with his eccentric neighbor Terry (David Arquette): If Terry will bankroll the adventure, Nick will help Terry realize his own particularly bizarre fantasies. The unlikely duo embark upon a wild spree ending in a hometown reconciliation for Nick, a profound revelation for Terry, and a heart-stopping surprise for all who follow.